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Extended Day Registration for 2024-2025

The extended day class will include a variety of different themes and hand-on activities to keep the children engaged, such as music and movement, science experiments, and nature exploring in addition to building on their language as, science, and math skills.  This is a great opportunity to get students ready for a full day of Kindergarten.

Classes will be offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons (contingent upon enrollment numbers) from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm for 4 and 5-year-old students enrolled in our AM classes.  The extended day will include an hour of Lunch Bunch in which you would provide a packed lunch for your child.

Please indicate which day or days you would like your child to extend their day...
We have several payments options for you to chose from: Please choose ONE option below... **Payment information is based on 1 class/week; x2 for 2 days, x3 for 3 days. For example, 3 days of Extended Day would be 6 payments of $240 or 1 payment in September in the amount of $1,440.

All general, medical, and emergency information will be taken from the original registration form.

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