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Preschool Policies

Be sure that your child's clothing is:

  •  Comfortable, washable and allows for self-dressing

  •  Appropriate for play 

  •  For safety reasons, shoes with clunky heels or without heel straps should not be worn to school (ie: flip flops, cowboy boots or clogs).


We get very involved in activities and children should not have to be overly concerned with staying clean. Dresses with ruffles or bows and pants with difficult belts or fastenings should be avoided.


When the weather is cold, we still like to go outside and play. Please always send children to school with warm coats, mittens, and hats



Guns, swords and toys that could hurt another child are not permitted. They will be taken away and put aside until dismissal. Cartoon-inspired toys encourage specific sorts of play. They keep children from open-ended activities which we offer and from the excellent equipment we provide. Help your child to leave these toys at home.



Please bring your child into the building each morning or afternoon, and walk them into their classroom. NO child may enter the building without being accompanied by an adult. Please be sure that a staff person is aware that your child has arrived before you say goodbye.

Children should arrive no more than five minutes before the beginning of the class session, and should be picked up promptly at dismissal to allow staff adequate time to clean up/set up for the next class session.

In the event that someone different will be bringing or picking up your child from preschool, a written permission from the parent is required. If someone arrives to collect your child and we have not been introduced and their name is not on file, we CANNOT allow your child to leave with them.



Children are asked to bring in a small snack and drink daily. *Please note our classrooms are peanut and tree-nut free.




A special treat or snack may be brought to school in celebration of a child's birthday. This date will be prearranged by the teacher with parents or guardians. A special day is set aside for birthdays falling outside of the school calendar. These are called "Pretend Birthdays".



If a child comes to school when they are not feeling well, they will be more vulnerable to an infection. It is in your child's best interest and the other people at preschool to keep your child at home when they are not feeling well. A child needs to be well to be able to actively participate in the program. Although your child may be disappointed, please keep them at home if they are sick.

  • FEVER: A child having a fever may return to class after having a normal temperature (98.6) for 24 hours.

  • PINK EYE: A child having pink eye may return to class only if he or she has been treated with medicated drops for 24 hours.

  • CHICKEN POX: A child having chicken pox may return to class only when the sores have scabbed over. If a child has been exposed to chicken pox, he may come to class until he actually gets them. Being exposed to them does not guarantee a child will get them.

  • STOMACH VIRUS: A child having a stomach virus may return to school after waiting at least 24 hours after symptoms subside (vomiting, diarrhea). 

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